Newsletter: October Recap

A message from Christine Hogarth:
Dear Friends,

Our government’s new legislation proposes to pause the installation of bike lanes that remove a lane for traffic. But it’s equally essential to review existing bike lanes that may not serve the best interests of residents and businesses. For months, I’ve been championing the concerns of our community on the Bloor St W bike lanes. This October, I raised these voices in the legislature once again (click to watch video), reflecting the overwhelming support from Etobicoke-Lakeshore residents in my ongoing survey for the immediate removal of bike lanes on Bloor St W.

It was also my pleasure this month to present a private members’ motion calling for expansion of the Ontario Fertility Program (click to watch video). This expansion is on course to becoming a reality with government’s proposed funding of $150M funding that, if passed, will nearly triple the number of individuals who are able to receive a government-funded in-vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle, increasing the capacity of fertility clinics and reducing waitlists.

I am also thrilled to share with you our government’s latest plan to build a stronger economy while continuing to make life more affordable for Ontario’s workers and families.

Ontario’s 2024 Fall Economic Statement has been announced and it demonstrates that we continue to build critical infrastructure our growing communities need, reducing gridlock, and putting more money back in your pocket.

Here are some highlights from the 2024 Fall Economic Update, that, if passed, provide:

•    REBATE: Providing a $200 taxpayer rebate early next year, which will give immediate relief for Ontario families in the face of high interest rates and the federal carbon tax.

•    RELIEF AT THE PUMPS: Extending the gas tax saving drivers 10 cents per litre off the cost of gasoline.

•    HELPING FAMILIES GROW: Expanding access to fertility treatment by investing $150M million over two years to expand the Ontario Fertility Program (OFP).

•    BREAKING GRIDLOCK: Introducing a legislation that will require municipalities to receive approval from the province before installing new bike lanes where they remove a lane for vehicles.

•  EXPANDING TRANSIT: Our government has officially begun work along all parts of the Ontario Line subway, marking a significant milestone in the province’s plan to bring nearly 230,000 people within walking distance of fast and convenient public transit.

You can read more about 2024 Fall Economic Statement here. Our government is committed to making our province the best place to live, work and raise a family, all while reducing the debt burden for future generations.
Furthermore, my team and I absolutely enjoyed touring the community picking the best Halloween decorations for our Great Pumpkin Awards. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for decorating our community!
Lastly, let us remember that Remembrance Day is approaching. It is a day we honour and show respect to those who sacrificed to keep our country safe. I encourage everyone to participate in Remembrance Day activities, weather by attending ceremonies, wearing a Poppy or simply taking a moment of silence. It is a collective act of gratitude and remembrance, uniting us in a shared commitment to never forget.



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Building Ontario for You
Minister of Finance Peter Bethlenfalvy on Wednesday released the 2024 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review: Building Ontario for You. The government continues to take a fiscally responsible approach towards building the critical infrastructure our growing communities need, reducing gridlock, and making life more affordable by keeping taxes low and putting more money back in your pocket.
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Provincial Nod Must For New Bike Lanes That Remove A Lane of Traffic
Christine Hogarth, MPP for Etobicoke-Lakeshore, joined Minister of Transportation Prabmeet Sarkaria on Tuesday as he introduced a common-sense legislation that, if passed, would require cities to obtain provincial approval for any new bike lanes that involve removing a lane of traffic.
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Ontario Helping More People Start and Grow Their Families
Christine Hogarth, MPP, Etobicoke-Lakeshore joined Deputy Premier and Minister of Health Sylvia Jones and Minister of Finance Peter Bethlenfalvy to announce the Ontario government’s over $150M investment to expand the Ontario Fertility Program to cut waitlists and triple the number of families connecting to government-funded fertility services in hospital and community clinic settings. The announcement delivers on the promise in MPP’s Hogarth’s private member’s motion calling for increased resources and options for families struggling with infertility.
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Ontario Extending Gas and Fuel Tax Cuts to Keep Costs Down for Drivers
As part of the upcoming 2024 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review, the Ontario government is keeping costs down for drivers and businesses by introducing legislation that would, if passed, extend the temporary rate cuts on the gasoline and fuel taxes for the fourth time, until June 30, 2025. These extended cuts would ensure the rates remain at 9 cents per litre through to June 30, 2025, saving Ontario households $380 on average over the three years since the cuts were first introduced.
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Ontario Expanding Learn and Stay Grant to Train More Family Doctors
To help close the remaining 10 per cent gap of people who do not have access to a regular health-care provider, the Ontario government is breaking down barriers for Ontario students to become family doctors by expanding the Learn and Stay grant to include family medicine. The province is also requiring medical schools to prioritize seats for Ontario residents, helping ensure more doctors who study in Ontario treat Ontario patients rather than leaving the province after their studies.
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Join me for #CoffeeWithChristine!


Helping Farms and Food Processor in Etobicoke-Lakeshore Innovate and Expand Production
Ontario is partnering with the federal government to support five local agri-food businesses in Etobicoke-Lakeshore through the Agri-Tech Innovation Initiative, which aims to enhance operational efficiencies and productivity.
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Ontario Connecting More People to Community Stroke Rehabilitation Care in Toronto
 The Ontario government is investing an additional $675,000 in base funding this year, increasing to $1,350,000 in annualized base funding next year to expand Community Stroke Rehabilitation (CSR) services in Toronto to connect more people to the care and treatment they need.
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Looking Back At October

Welcoming a new business to Etobicoke-Lakeshore
At the Kingsway BIA Pumpkin Fest
Etobicoke-Lakeshore seniors have #CoffeeWithChristine
Renovated Dorothy Ley Hospice opens with two new hospice beds
At Toronto Fire Station 433 to raise awareness during Fire Safety Week
Celebrating the opening of Eurostep Basketball League for Girls